Arrowtown & Wanaka
Arrowtown is a short trip from Queenstown but mucg quiter. In fact it's an idyllic little picture postcard village which reminds me of Stars Hollow from the Gilmore Girls. It was built in times of the goldrush in the 1850's or so although not much is left to show of it except an old Chinese settlement detailing how the lived and how they were treated by the locals (badly).
It was another sunny afternoon and Lou and I took a 4km walk along the river which looked perfect for kayaking. Then back into town for an ice-cream before heading back to our campsite which from today's perspective, was a bad move to sleep in the tent as the temperature was freezing or below last night and my toes went numb and neither of us slept well so today we're in a double room in Wanaka overlooking the lake and mountains in the comfort of a heated room.
Lou's birthday was excellent. We went white water rafting down Shotover River which was an amazing experience and I'd be keen to do it again - there's some photos up on the net so I'll try and link to them asap.
Afterwards, we had a lakeside view restaurant booked overlooking the harbour and the food was amazing besides sampling some local Gribbston Valley wine including a tasty Pinot Noir.
We're heading to Fox Glacier tomorrow where we'll be spending 3 days and hopefully getting on a helicopter to look at the glacier from above and with any luck I'll be able to get to a computer where I can finally upload some photos because the scenery in NZ that we've seen is breathtaking.
See you soon for another update.