Friday, September 09, 2005

Busy As A Bee

Apologies for the non-updates these last few days, it's been pretty hectic in work because of short-staffing. Yesterday morning I was given work by 4 people in the space of 5 minutes. That's the nature of the beast in here though. We had an impromtu meeting this morning to assess workloads and as another member of staff goes on holiday next week it means even more work to be spread around. One staff member in particular has been off for 6 weeks on "stress" running her sick grandad back and forth to the hospital and word came in yesterday that she has another 2 weeks. Call me a hard-ass but I wouldn't count that as a legitimate reason to be off work for so long. I'm not saying it's not stressful but not to the point of a sick-line from the doctor which is what you need. That's 2 months salary paid for running to the hospital twice a day and I know she has a mother and father too so how about sharing the load between them considering it's one of their fathers?

Sooooo...I'll be compiling the Links section and Gamespot over the weekend so tune in on Monday for some action and unfortunately updates in spurts and dribbles.

Update: Her grandad died this morning and she has a further sick-line for 4 weeks. That's 3 months pay for your grandad dying. Let's hope her parents don't get sick or she'll be off for 2 years.

[NB This blog was written in annoyance and I'll simply state that I find it offensive to any other worker that someone can obtain a sick-line in the manner that this was given. Hatemail to the usual address.]


Blogger Donovan said...

I understand that you're stressed, but isn't family more important than work? What about life outside the four walls of the office.. I'd contend that there's a good argument for putting that, along with the corresponding boost to mental health, ahead of shuffling papers around. You've got to look after yourself dude, not let the fact that you're a wage slave dictate your emotions.

2:15 am  
Blogger Donovan said...

[/end devils advocat]
Having said that it is bound to be especially annoying that the 3 months off covers a time when the workload is heavy.

2:25 am  
Blogger Phil said...

Well, everyone is well aware that she hates her job and that the fact that she's off for 3 months may have something to do with it. And if we're playing devil's advocate, if you did that with any other employer, you would be fired.
All I can say is that it's not just me expressing these sentiments at work.
Bring on Xmas!

6:50 pm  
Blogger Donovan said...

I have just had a strange 15 minutes.

I got back from Bangor and turned into my street. At the end of my street (about 100 yards from my house) is a car with some people milling around and a bit of smoke coming out of it. I thought it had overheated.

I pulled into my driveway, and by the time I had, there was a lot of smoke coming from the car. A few seconds later and it bursts into flames and there's a big cracking noise as something in the engine blows up.

I called the fire brigade and they got it under control, though there were some serious flames coming out of it.

It's a bit surreal when something like that happens close to home.

11:19 am  
Blogger Phil said...

Totally. On our way home from Carryduff today I saw two teenagers set an alarm off at a building around the corner from us.

It's too good a day to waste time getting up to mischief.

They are young but they will learn.

11:10 pm  

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