Tuesday, September 06, 2005

March Of The Penguins

Lou and I watched this amazing documentary called March of the Penguins. It follows the penguins of the South Pole as they march to their breeding ground and the hardships and tribulations that occurs on their journey. It also documents just how difficult it is to survive the march, keep the egg warm, and survive the trip back again.

Imagine walking for days to a breeding ground and having to find a mate. After delivering an egg, you must keep it warm as it cannot withstand more than a few seconds exposure without perishing in temperatures of minus 50 degrees and wind speeds up to 100mph. As the female, you must make the return journey with nearly half body weight and starving to dive for food amongst predators and return months later to raise and feed the baby penguin - if you and it survives. As the male, you must guard the egg and remain in one place keeping the egg warm and not eat for up to 4 months if and when your partner returns. The female then takes over as the male must make the same journey back and until his return must protect the egg against other mothers trying to take your egg who have lost their own.

The life of the penguin is certainly not enviable but each has steely determination and a will to survive against all odds.

I can't recommend this highly enough.

I would give this documentary 4.5 icebergs out of 5.



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