Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Making Boxes

Last night was spent lifting and shifting boxes to our new flat. We got a lot moved and the plan is to move anything bar non-essential items by Friday. The new place still gives me that "I can't believe we got this" feeling. We moved around the furniture and it only occured to me when I popped into the bathroom that it was a room neither of us looked at because we were so blown away by the rest of the place. Luckily it's also brand new so we breathed a sigh of relief. Hee-hee.

I watched the end of The Bourne Identity last night. I love the film and I've probably seen it three or four times. Hence I would review it with 4.5 passports out of 5. If you haven't seen it, you can now by it for £6 in HMV so get your skates on and go get it!


Blogger Donovan said...

Awesome that you've been able to move stuff before you leave the old place... I can't wait to see it, sounds like a palace :D

3:13 am  

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