Thursday, February 10, 2005

National Treasure

I was going to review National Treasure today but I can't honestly say I watched it. I managed to sit through the first 15 minutes until an out of date Empire magazine got my attention. They gave Alexander 4/5. Were they on drugs? Did Oliver Stone pay them off? It's definetly the worst film I've seen since....since....

Anyways, back to National Treasure. I skipped through the film in 5 minute segments so I could keep up with the plot. Haha. Plot.

I give this film 1 piece of gold out of 5.



Blogger Donovan said...

A name like "national treasure" is misguided from the off... what other films start with "national"? Certainly no good ones. Secondly set themselves up with the tagline "...greatest adventure history has ever revealed". Still, how did it get a 6.7 from IMDB? Craziness.

4:18 am  

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