Thursday, April 14, 2005

Something Fishy Going On

Last night was Tonys turn to cook and he turned in a fine effort of trout based on a Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall recipe. It flaked off the fork and was tasty as hell. This was finished by peach melba. Mmmmm. The preparation was really easy, notably because I was in the pub and turned up a few minutes late for duties, and I'll have to get the recipe from him.

Hugh also has his own River Cottage website which is quite interactive and has a good recipe for nettle beer - ready in 1 week!

Unfortunately I woke up this morning feeling sweaty and nauseous with a sore head to boot. You know that kind of sore head that feels like it's gone and then you move around and it's back again with avengeance?
Well, I made it into work, nearly vomited over my desk and then decided I shouldn't have come in. Slouched back home and fell into bed. Awoke around 11am and lay there for a good 15 minutes feeling sorry for myself. Decided to put my being home to productive use and filled in a job application for the Northern Ireland Film & television Commission.

It's now lunchtime but I'm not sure I can handle anything so I think I'll opt for a slice of toast and see how that goes. Lou told me yesterday that the router should be arriving today so at least if it does it'll keep me out of mischief!
Catch you on the flip-flop folks.


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