Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Charlie Wilson's War

Charlie Wilson's War is based on the true story of Charles Wilson, a former United States naval officer and former Democratic United States Representative from the 2nd congressional district in Texas who supported the largest-ever CIA covert operation which supplied the Afghan mujahideen during the Soviet war in Afghanistan.

The film is based on the book of the same name by George Crile and adapted for screen by Aaron Sorkin. Wilson himself is played by Tom Hanks and is backed up with silver screen heavyweights Philip Seymour Hoffman and Julia Roberts.

With such a name attached to writing duties and and an A-list cast leading the film, I was really looking forward to this film. However, what should have been a serious examination of the who, what, why and how, the movie bumbles along and seemed more quirky comedy at times than a drama.

More screen time seems to be devoted to Charlies antics and behaviour than in the cause he's fighting for and when the credits rolled, I immediately thought Rambo 3 would have been more entertaining.

I would give this film 5.1 hookers in the hot-tub out of 10



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