A Win-Win Situation
Friday couldn't have come quick enough and after slipping out of the working week, grabbing a cold one from the fridge, Brian came over to chill out and we watched Holland progress to the 2nd round beating the Ivory Coast 2-1. So with most of the 1st round over, all four of my betted teams: Argentina, Ecuador, Holland and Germany have progressed with 2 wins out of 2. Sweet.
On Saturday afternoon Lou and I raced around the supermarket and on our return we always seem to get stuck behind the worlds stupidest slow driver. Said drivers always seem to slow down when approaching a green light and then after cruising past them at 20mph continue at such a pace until the next set of lights which are now red.
After tidying up the flat, we had friends over for poker - Texas Holdem. After drinking casually in the afternoon I took it easy and even knocked back a cofee during the first few hands. I always drink a little too much at Poker games and two hours later, I get tired, bored and testy. But not tonight baby! It was full steam ahead, some great hands played and after being a couple of quid down at the end, I cleaned up in the final round and came out a few pounds in black. Lou creamed us all though and built a wall of chips like a fort. By this time it was something ridiculous like 2am and it was time to hit the sack.
Awoke on Sunday feeling A-OK. Totally knackered but no head mess. After a quick tidy up and cup of coffee, Lou and I headed with Keith and Jenny to Maggie Mays on Botanic for a fill. I took in the full fry while others settled on lesser but substantial post-drinking brunch. It certainly hit the spot and after saying our goodbyes, Lou and I hit the town to pick up some wedding clothes for next weekend [More details later in the week]. I managed to pick out a great shirt and tie but alas, dresses for weddings seem to be the hardest thing in the world to pick out. Sometimes, it's good to be a man. No hassle about what to wear and you can wear the same thing twice in a row because no man will ever look at you twice and remember what you were wearing unless you're dressed like Jon Snow.
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