Monday, January 30, 2006

Links #16

What dregs of the internet have I trawled for you this week? It's looking mostly musical perhaps indicating a long overdue article on a whimsical band but fear not! I have 3 gigs to attend to in a week starting this Friday with Clap Your Hands Say Yeah so Adventures... will be hitting the high notes next week with reviews of all the artists recent output. Stay tuned!

Pandora - This is a cool way to stream music in that you choose an artist or song you really like and it matches the chosen tracks melody, harmony and rhythm to choose other artists with a similar vibe. As each song is played you can click to say whether you liked the song or not and it will start to filter and streamline to your taste, eventually producing a hit list of tunes.

Pleix - Bizarre music site featuring quicktime videos of your favourite unknown techno songs. I'm not a fan of the genre but the vidoes are weeeeird.

Where did the time go? - Fill in the form and get a laundry list of time wasting events you very well may have done over your lifetime.


Blogger Skry said...

Pandora is really good, but I just got a "If you want to go further, give us all your life's details" pop-up. I guess they only let you listen to 4 or 5 songs before requiring that you get spammed.

It's a pity too, cause every song that they recommended to me was from a group I had never heard of and it was ace. All you have to do it provide one song as a starting reference and they do the rest. Easy to use and a really popular resource, so why do they ruin it by asking for non-music-related info like your name and E-mail address?

I won't be using them again, but if you don't mind getting spammed then this is a really good resource.

12:16 am  

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