Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Head In A Book

Summer looks as if it's trying to make a reappearance on the scene like it's been summarily removed following bad behaviour and is trying to fit in again although it still shows signs of not knowing whether it's really worth it with days starting sunny and ending with downpours or vice versa. I'm sure we all feel that way after a day in the office (or whatever it is that you do) and my only real concern is whether or not I will see a BBQ before it's all too late.

Unfortunately for me, my runny nose and bouts of sneezing has transgressed to a sore throat and itchy eyes which makes me look very tired, which I am as I can't sleep because of my throat. I could blame a lot of things on it but I'll throw my lot in with the airport. Re-cycled air on the plane and also being surrounded by thousands of other people, a hundred or so of which could have passed it on. Forget hospitals, I reckon airports are far more contaminated places as children roll around on the floor, are picked up by their parents who all pass it on in one form or another.

Thank you for the book recommendations yesterday and I will certainly be checking them out. In the meantime I've started to read the only online book by Knut Hamsun that I haven't read, Wanderers. Hamsun himself, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1920, was unfortunately a Nazi sympathiser and met with both Goebbels and Hitler. Despite this, his books are magnificent and bear no hallmarks of such political thinking, instead his "prose often contains rapturous depictions of the natural world, with intimate reflections on the Norwegian woodlands and coastline." I highly recommend Hunger, Pan or Growth of the Soil.

Indeed, there's a great resource where you can find thousands more literary works called Project Gutenberg where the books copyright has expired, allowing free and legal access to old classics which would otherwise go unnoticed. I've read over a dozen books on the site and I'm sure there remains at least a hundred books that I would love to read but have no idea they exist so I highly recommend having a look. So, if you can find anything worth reading, again let me know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Buy some strepsils and quit your moaning :)

8:06 pm  
Blogger Donovan said...

PG is decent, but I find the RTF format books from to be better formatted.

And Munsey's has a lot of rare books available to download. Also free.

1:05 am  

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