Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Birthday Treats

I had a really enjoyable day off yesterday. Slept in, made coffee and toast and watched a little TV before making my way into town to get a t-shirt printed of Snakes On A Plane. More's the pity that the disk was corrupt though and the guy at the shop couldn't open the front picture - damn!

Will just have to wait until later in the week to show it off. I was looking online for pictures to use and there's plenty of fan art going around so much so that they are actually using it to promote the film itself. I suspect audiences will go nuts when Jackson spouts the soon to be immortal line. "We got snakes on the motherfucking plane!". Superb.

All was not in vain in town though as I had vouchers to spend and after careful deliberation bought Pavement - Terror Twilight, Stiff Little Fingers - Inflammable Material and Mudhoney - March To Fuzz. Watch out for a review soon!

I spent the afternoon getting to grips with the new Tomb Raider game, Legend. It's a little fiddly but once you get to grips with the controls, it's grand with the only exception that I'm useless at these puzzles so I can foresee an hour spent running around dealing with switches and pulleys only to fall into a bed of spikes and have to start all over again.

In the early evening before having a couple of fly pints with Brian, Lou gave me my kick ass birthday present of a portable DVD player. Cha-ching! I tried it with The Matrix and it plays really well so no more boredom on the bus or long journeys. As it plays CDs and MP3s it doubles up as a music box too so an all round cool present.

After my return, Lou cooked me a delicious meal of bacon and camembert salad followed by a Mint Pea Plaice dish which was delicious. Totally spoilt I was and I couldn't have asked for a better birthday.

See you tomorrow to find out what Colin cooked in the kitchen!


Blogger Donovan said...

Man, please don't put motherf*ckin on the t-shirt, I'd like to be able to wear it sometime!

8:26 pm  
Blogger Skry said...

Just don't wear it in front of your mum and dad ;)

10:24 pm  
Blogger Skry said...

And brothers...

10:24 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, what Don said. I don't want t-shirts with naughty words on them.

This looks better:

10:38 pm  
Blogger Phil said...

I can't see people doing anything but laugh at "motherfu*kin'" since Jackson is famous for dropping the F-Bomb.

If you want a different picture on it, you'll have to send me different pictures.

10:54 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Local punk band The Dangerfields have flogged lots of t-shirts with their logo "Danger Fuckin' Fields". A female acquaintance of mine was chucked out of M&S for wearing one in there one Sunday afternoon :-O

3:31 am  

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