Monday, April 02, 2007

Inntrek 2007

Inntrek 2007 follows on from the success of last years event at the Roost and was hosted in McCracken's this year, where we met up for team preperation before heading out to complete the quiz.

Our first destination was Whites Tavern with the bonus question being what stuffed album adorned the mantlepiece and although said animal was easy to find, it was not so easy to identify as it looks like a cross between an otter and a squirrel.

Next was the Duke of York and after buying drinks we managed to find seats in the small cubbyhole at the back of the bar which was cosy to say the least! The bonus question was kindly answered by the barman as to the age of the bar which I have now forgotten and google has been no help at all. Suffice to say it is one of the oldest bars in Belfast and once served customers who worked in the heart of the newspaper district although it has since outlived those publications whose patrons frequented to quench their thirst.

The buzz lately has been whether the bar had actually changed its name to the Glory Hole or whether this is the new name for the upstairs area. Answers on a post-card please. Nevertheless the outside leading on the cobbled street alley is nicely decorated with bench-seats and quaint garden parapanelia which would make it an ideal area for summer drinking.

We made an all too brief appearance at the John Hewitt as we were pushed for time and made our way to the Garrick for our final pint before heading back to McCrackens. It's a great bar for a slow pint during the day as you can make use of the boardgames and stack of papers by the pumps and while away an afternoon over a few slow pints.

And so back to where it all started to hand over our dubiously correct answer sheet and sink a few more pints while a dixie band played in the corner and the converasations turned to merriment and laughter.

Although we didn't win, it wasn't why we were there and it was a great night in aid of a very worthy charity and I hope a lot of money was raised.

I wonder if we could host a similar event next year in Belfast, Christchurch...


Blogger Jenny said...

It was a good night, although the end of it is pretty hazy for me - and that's nothing to do with the laser surgery. Skry and I got a bottle of red wine too, for being married. Bonus :)

7:58 pm  
Blogger Skry said...

Yeah it was nice to see them giving us that bottle of wine, just because that was where we had met up the year before. A very nice touch and Jen has since mailed the lady responsible to pass on our thanks.

It was a great night and it would be cool to be able to host something like that in New Zealand this time next year :D

10:30 pm  

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