Monday, January 22, 2007

2 Years Old

Today Adventures in Sigh-Fi is two years old. Nearly 600 posts of recipes, film reviews, general ramblings and random musings. I never would have thought I could have kept this up for so long and that it would be popular, at least amongst my peers, but it's a great tool for keeping friends up-to-date with what I've been up to.

The website has gone through many changes and I can, at least at the minute, say I'm extremely pleased with how it looks and functions so a big thanks to those that helped - you know who you are!

I said the same last year but I'm looking to take a lot more photos this year as a picture paints a thousand words and god knows I don't have the time or morning ability to write a thousand words. It will also be an interesting diary of events as Lou and I make our way over to New Zealand and it will become an online catalogue of touring and eventually settling down in a new country which may spark a new kiwi-related section.

So a big thank you for stopping by every day and leaving comments and suggestions. Here's to working towards another year of tid-bits and treats.



Blogger Skry said...

lations bro! 2 years eh? It doesn't seem that long...

Kudos for keeping it going for that long and best of luck with it in the future :D

12:12 am  
Blogger Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Sigh Fi! Looking foward to all the photos, reviews and recipes for 2007.

4:04 am  

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